Dust, harsh chemicals, water or other contaminants can cause failure in your membrane switch. General Label offers solutions to prevent malfunction and ensure longevity in your switch.
Preventing failure starts with the proper design. Our engineering team can assist you with design recommendations providing you with the most efficient, cost-effective solution. Your circuit tail exit point is the most vulnerable point of your membrane switch. In a typical membrane switch design, there is usually a “tail filler” area. This is a piece applied separately to the back of your overlay which is equal to the stack up of your membrane switch. This is exactly where moisture and other contaminants can get through.
A membrane switch gasket design can solve this issue because it does not have the tail filler, so there is no pathway for contaminants. The custom-built gasket is the same thickness as your membrane switch and the B.O.M. will meet or exceed your requirements for your membrane switch. Gaskets can be more expensive, but failure is not an option.
There are two types of classification rating systems: NEMA (National Electronic Manufacturers Association) and IP (Ingress Protection). The two systems use different test parameters, are not directly comparable or easily converted. It is important to identify the enclosure rating necessary for your application. Contact us to discuss your protection options.